Superbugs goes Gaelic 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Tha an dàn-thuras a’ tòiseachadh an seo

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Tha an dàn-thuras a’ tòiseachadh an seo 〰️ 🧬 🦠 🔬 🤒 💊 💉 🖨️ 〰️

Having conducted public engagement events in and around Cardiff, it is natural for us to provide activities and resources both in English and in Welsh.

As such, when we began to design the ‘Superbugs’ website, we aimed to create it fully bilingually from the start, so that any school child in Wales would be able to use our resources regardless of the medium they receive their education in.

The website runs the ‘Weglot’ language service in the background, which allows users to toggle between different languages - simply by clicking on the little flag symbols in the bottom right corner of each page.

We quickly realised the potential of ‘Superbugs’ to be made available in further languages, and had amazing help from Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig in pursuing this dream.

Gaelic Medium Education is available in about 60 primary schools and their associated secondaries in Scotland, including dedicated Gaelic Medium schools. An increasing number of early learning and childcare centres, secondary schools and further education centres also provide learning through the medium of Gaelic.

And Stòrlann is the organisation officially charged with co-ordinating the production and distribution of Gaelic educational resources throughout Scotland.

So when they translate something into Gaelic, you can be sure it’s done correctly!

We are now proud to be able to provide our complete adventure trail not only in English and Welsh, but as of today also in Gaelic.

Additional parts of our website are being translated into Gaelic as we speak and will go live soon.

This great step forward would not have been possible without the tireless dedication, the professionalism and the hard work of the fantastic team at Stòrlann.

We also need to thank the British Society for Immunology for their ‘Communicating Immunology’ award, part of which allowed us to extend our website subscription and upgrade the language package.

We hope you enjoy this new feature of Superbugs!

 Tha an dàn-thuras a’ tòiseachadh an seo — Rach a-steach gu saoghal nam micro-bhitheagan!

Matthias Eberl

Matthias is Professor for Translational Immunology at Cardiff University where he leads a research group investigating the immune response to acute bacterial infections. He is also Academic Lead for Public Involvement and Engagement at Cardiff’s School of Medicine and a core member of the Superbugs team.


Superbugs anns a’ Ghàidhlig! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Our first publication! 📜